Film poster from The Rising: The Ballad of Mangal Pandey, dir. Ketan Mehta, 2005
Listen to the brilliant Empire podcast for a deep dive into the history and ramifications of empires. The first season focuses on East India Company and subsequent colonization of India.
“Geography Now! India”
“The States + territories of India EXPLAINED Geography Now!”
“The History of Tea -Shunan Teng” TED-Ed, 16 May 2017
Website to the documentary The Story of India with Michael Wood (incl. study questions etc.)
"The Spectre of Past Glories", The Economist
"5 of the worst atrocities carried out by the British Empire", the Independent
This song connects the British Empire with Brexit and xenophobia in the UK.
"The American who fought for India's freedom", Rediff News
Correspondence between Queen Victoria, Vicecount Palmerston, Lord Panmure, and Vicecount Canning
Interview with Dr. Shashi Tharoor, Skynews, 11 March, 2017
Trailer for the documentary The Problem with Apu dir. Michael Melamedoff, 2017.
“Artifact Analysis: Apu Nahasapeemapetilon in The Simpsons Episode, “Much Apu About Nothing”” by Ambika Sharma, 26 November, 2019
“Decolonizing the Minds of Indians Starts with Our Names”, Brown Girl Magazine, by Roo Yeshpaul, 1 November, 2018
Shashi Tharoor interview: How British Colonialism 'destroyed' India, March 2017
Q & A with Sashi Tharoor, 2017
"Dr Shashi Tharoor MP - Britain Does Owe Reparations", OxfordUnion, 14 July, 2015
Storyville: Sex, Death, and the Gods, BBC documentary
"Main Vari Vari" (Bollywood portrayal of a colonial devadasi)
Lyrics in English
"Maar Dala" (Bollywood portrayal of colonial devadasi)
"Kajra Re" (Bollywood portrayal of contemporary devadasi)